Designing a High-Tech Master Bath

In our age of technology, homeowners are looking to upgrade many features in their homes to the modern era.  From smart appliances to high-tech thermostats, security systems, and automatic lighting, homeowners are investing in the new technology.  Bathrooms have lagged a little behind in this trend, but homeowners are beginning to concentrate more on high-tech features for one of the most often used rooms in the house.

Savvy homeowners desire to create the ultimate spa experience in their master bathroom.  They want to enjoy these spa-like luxuries on a daily basis.  For many people, a leisurely bath in a soaking tub is the perfect way to relax.  Newer tubs can be outfitted with heated backrests and scented mist dispensers.  Tubs with a built in stereo system can play your favorite tunes.  The amp can be connected to a CD or MP3 player, or a Bluetooth enabled device.  There are no visual speakers, and the amp can be hidden in a cabinet or linen closet.

Shower upgrades are very popular.  A wall mounted LCD screen can control water pressure, temperature, and steam.  Newer water efficient showerheads conserve water while still giving the feeling of regular water flow.  Chromatherapy, or color therapy, provides mood lighting for your bath.  LEDs in the shower cycle through a series of colors, adding a feeling of calm and tranquility.  Grabbing a towel from a towel warming drawer feels like pure luxury on a cold day.

Toilets have also gone high-tech.  Low flow toilets conserve water and save the homeowner money on their water bill.  There are two flushing options- one for liquid waste and one for solids.  Other options include hands-free flushers and lids with motion detectors to open and close automatically.  Self-cleaning models keep the bowl clean and sanitized, eliminating an unpleasant bathroom chore.  Hands-free faucets at the sink also offer convenience while conserving water.

Other new trends for the master bath include TVs integrated into a mirror, so no one misses a favorite program.  These TVs are waterproof and not harmed by the humid conditions in the bathroom.  Refrigerated bathroom cabinets hold cold beverages and preserve medications that must be keep cold.

Incorporating high-tech trends in the master bath provides an enjoyable experience for the homeowner.  It also adds value when it’s time to sell the home.  Today’s home buyers are attracted to these high-tech features and are willing to pay more for them.

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